Portfolio of recent work
September 2023 - June 2024
Ranu James was a collaborating Artist for the new commission work, 'From old to new old' which features in the exhibition, Sis: Pacific Art 1980-2023 at The Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art.
In addition to the installation Ranu James and the other Artists performed 'A'inaisa' to activate the exhibition.
Hear more about the process of marking and how the contemporary practice of this art form connects us to ancestral stories, energy and spirits. Hosted by Moale James - 26 Aug 2023.

July 2022 - November 2022
In November 2022, Ranu in collaboration with Maryann Talia Pau and Katrina Sonter wove the beautiful giant bilum that was used as the backdrop in the Bilum Mama performance by Papuan-Australian soprano Heru Pinkasova.
"Woven by the hands of Mothers, Daughters, Aunties and Sisters, the bilum is a symbol of life, strength and story. A traditional craft that has become a cultural icon. When you sling a handwoven bilum bag across your body, you carry with you not just the goods that fill the sack, but the history of the women who created it and a space to store your future story. The Bilum Mamma is the creator and the user. She is a provider, warrior and source of comfort. She also is an artist, creating a masterpiece – something unique to be shared with the world. Each loop and strand pulling together the stories she has been told, the lullabies she was sung and all of the histories that she will pass forward.
This performance by Papuan-Australian operatic soprano Heru Pinkasova weaves the threads of Papuan stories together through song, creating her unique Bilum. The textures and colours informed by and informing the songs of her life, exploring traditional Papuan chants, folk songs, PNG Top 40, and how their beats thrum through contemporary music. Join this Bilum Mamma as she gives, takes and holds a unique history, one ready to be carried by those after her. This cross-cultural production incorporates opera, new music, and animation weaving a story representing contemporary Queensland communities of many heritages." https://littlematchproductions.com/bilum-mamma

August 2019-March 2020
Ranu James and Maryann Talia Pau both come from strong weaving backgrounds. This exhibit was a collaboration for ‘Island Fashion’ titled Ula Taim. The exhibit provided children with the opportunity to create a neckpiece, wristband or anklet that they can embellish with patterns and woven details.
As a child, Ranu watched her own mother create costumes and adornments for dance with the many Papuan and Pasifika Aunties she surrounded herself with in Australia. ‘They laughed, sang, ate, wove, sewed, beaded, printed, drew and knotted together’ ...
"I sat beside them and learnt from them. I’ve done this with my own children now . . . [they] sit in circle with strong Pasifika women, listening to our conversations, hearing our questions, watching us as we find new ways of connecting and establishing meaning as we . . . grow and develop our culture together."
August 2019 - May 2020
Holding Space | Adderton House
As part of A Fierce Hope, Ranu worked in collaboration with Maryann Talia Pau to explore the work of Hummingbird House Children’s Hospice by drawing on traditional Pacific Island ceremonies of grief and mourning in our artwork Holding Space. Their installation invited participants to reflect on how we explored the importance of Holding Spaces that encourage safety, empathy and love through the normalisation of grief and the importance of providing the space to talk.

Watch this space for my next project!